St.Pauls Carnival July 4th 2009 - Leaders of Tomorrow

"Soca Morris Love Krump Fancy Sailors all at sea, lost and in search of new islands and calm seas, where are they going? what are they doing?who is going to lead them?
They call upon Yemaya the Ocean, 'the mother whose children are like fish', she is compassion, wisdom, creation, and inspiration, the essence of motherhood, and protector of all children. She tells them that LOVE will lead them.
But where shall we find LOVE
And so Aphrodite, Goddess of LOVE born of the sea, appears before them in her chariot of scallop shells , surrounded by her winged love-gods, the mischievous Cupids, and her sacred and amorous lovebirds.
She tells them to follow the children, whose very happiness is LOVE."

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